Wonderful Pink Bouquet-B38


A wonderful gift to make someone feel special…..

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Wonderful pink roses bunch with pink lily in a round shape mixing with green leaves and baby flowers that are in season to gift someone special in various occasions, including birthday, Mother’s Day or an honor to political members. The softness of pink roses and lily will offer a smile and happiness to your love recipient. It may also a suitable gift for your first love and you would like to impress in a soften and kind attitude.

Free personal message card, or you wish to upgrade a better card. Send this stunning gift to your love one now by just simply fill in the order online or call for help on (02) 8866 0131. In case out of season or unavailable, we may substitute green foliage or baby flowers, but maintain main flowers, shape and colour as the design.

Fresh flower is delivered Sydney Metropolitan only.



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